Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Attorneys are too Serious Part III

Not to needless belabor my point, but take a look on my facebook page as to what my law offices mission is.  What do you think when read that?  If you think it is inappropriate, unprofessional, or the like, you are too serious.

When we are doing whatever it is we do, especially in bankruptcy, nobody dies.  I can understand the gravity in criminal law, but in bankruptcy?  Come on.  Get a grip. 

Have fun.  Try to put witty stuff in your pleadings / correspondence as necessary.  I for one would rather read clever analogies about how shitty my case is.  For example:

Serious Attorney:  "your case is wholly without merit and is frivilous.  My client will be seeking attorneys from you and your client if blah blah isn't done"

Witty Attorney:  "your case makes about as much sense as a football bat" 

What is more effective?

Serious Attorney, when addressing court: "good morning your honor, Clarence Darrow on behalf of the Debtor"

Less Serious Attorney:  Good Morning your honor, I'd like to wish everyone a happy X day.  I always try to mention significant days in history as they apply -  I've been able to work in Pearl Harbor Day, April Fools Day, D-day, Bastille Day and countless others.  No idea why I do this, but for me it loosens me up.  Plus a lot of these are important for us to remember. 

Anyway, I hope I've made my point and I will stop ranting.  Colleagues, I implore you loosen up and relax.  It isn't that bad.  I'll meet you in the middle - I'll gladly accept your attached correspondence as long as it doesn't come from a secretary. 

Finally, be yourself.  I'm sure some people are naturally pensive types of people, but I know many are not.  As I mentioned in the beginning, I am different than most, I learned at a young age my round peg wasn't fitting in the square hole, so I stopped trying and found life much more easier.

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