I warn you in advance this might piss some people off.
I was watching Meet the Press this morning and the entire show was dedicated to the bombing, the perpetrators and the aftermath. The show cut out to a crowd in Boston chanting -
"U.S.A. , U.S.A....."
Really? Is this an Olympic hockey game? World Cup? Did Michael Phelps win another medal?
I remember thinking the same thing when similar chants were heard outside the White House after Bin Laden was killed.
Where were these chants when Christopher Dorner was killed? I bet 95% of non Southern California residents couldn't even tell you who Dorner was? I'm serious, if anyone outside SoCal knew about him, please let me know.
Dorner was every bit the terrorist the Boston Bombers were. People commit horrific crimes all the time. To me the attention to Boston Bombers, somehow makes me feel that somehow crimes / terror in my neck of the woods are less important. So let's keep the USA chants on hold until the 2014 World Cup - we will really need them much more then.
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