I found this document on the web. Not sure if it is from this year or not, but here is my commentary.
1. It refers to the United States having the finest health care system in the world.
2. It says bad things about gays in several different places.
3. It is semi-watered down on immigration compared to national Republican rhetoric.
4. It does not state global warming is fake, but makes a half-ass reference to "sound science".
5. It sort of says abortion is bad, but doesn't really press for laws outlawing it.
6. It states we need more prisons.
7. Public employee pensions are bad.
8. There is no mention of religion or god.
I'll help the Republican party out a bit and give them some insight on some tidbits on the above -
1. Stop saying the United States has the best health care system in the world UNLESS you can provide specific facts to support this assertion aside from vague statements about Canadians waiting in line for medical care and rich foreigners getting treated at the Mayo Clinic.
2. State that people should not be discriminated in any way, shape or form because of sexual orientation.
3. I'd eliminate the part about only having ballots in English. Great way to lose votes.
4. State global warming is real, man-made and make reference to seeking solutions using the free market and private enterprise to solve the problem. Promotes science and the free market. Conservatives should be all about this.
5. This position is probably not hurting it.
6. The entire crime and punishment section is a lot of tough talk. I'd produce some evidence to explain why being tough benefits us.
7. There is no doubt pensions are a big cost. Perhaps 401ks are the way to go. However, just because private industry fucked over their employees by transitioning to 401ks, is not necessarily evidence 401ks are in fact better for the workers in state government or elsewhere.
8. Republicans get a bad rap for being the party of right wing Christianity. I'd take a step further and affirmatively declare California is a secular society.
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