Monday, July 15, 2013


Over the last few days a client and I had a falling out over how the case should proceed, so sadly I had to tell him he needed he a new attorney.  I say sadly because I had his case in good shape, and I doubt he'll find another attorney to take it over, and probably won't be able to make it pro-per.

I noticed in this particular client, his refusal to accept legal reality is he feels that certain parties (large banks) have wronged him in such a way and ruined his life, to settle with them is somehow capitulating.

In my termination email to him, I told him he still had his health and his family so he couldn't say everything was gone, but that didn't work.

This made me think of some of the horrible events of recent history some of my clients have lived through - things that can really ruin life, far worse than a foreclosure or a few crooked banks.  So here are some:

-jewish clients living in Ukraine in 1941

-client who does not have a birth certificate because his village was destroyed by the French Army and later served in the South Vietnamese Army and barely made it out after we bailed in 1975

-client who lived through this in Argentina and served in this conflict

-clients who were born in Burma and are of this ethnicity;

-clients born in 1970 in this country;

There are more -  my point is, it could be a lot worse.

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